A is someone who is paid for and sexual activities.
It is their job.
It is not a relationship.
Not all sex workers provide all sexual activities. Sex workers get to decide what services they provide. You might see a sex worker in person or they might provide online services such as sexy video chat.
Sex work is a legally recognised occupation in Australia.
Every state and territory has their own laws about sex work.
All people must give consent to .
All people have the right to say “no” to anything they do not like or want at any time during the sexual activities.
All people must be treated with respect.
You should see a sex worker in a private place.
To see a sex worker, both people usually need to be over 18 years of age.
You may also need to be using protection like condoms or dams.
If you would like more information on accessing disability friendly sex workers, see the Touching Base website touchingbase.org
Other sections in Sexual Health
Sex workers are adults who receive money in exchange for consensual sexual services.
Sexual activity can include lots of different things.
It can mean any kind of sexual touch including hand jobs, fingering, oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, genital to genital contact, using sex toys with partners, sexual intercourse and other things too. Sex is with another person or persons. Sex needs to be consensual, meaning you both want to do it. You can stop having sex at any time. Sex should feel good for both partners.
A romantic relationship is when people feel very strongly for each other in a way that is intimate and closer than a friendship.
Most romantic relationships are with people we are in a sexual relationship with such as a partner, boyfriend or girlfriend.
You cannot be in a romantic relationship with someone who is in your family.