Using the Internet - SECCA National Sexuality and Your Rights

Using the Internet

The internet helps connect devices including computers and phones. The internet helps devices share information. This means that you can use the internet to talk to other people and find information.

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Using the internet is called “being online”. Being online can be fun. The internet can be a place to connect with other people. You can use the internet to explore your interests.

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The internet is a public place. This means anything someone shares on the internet can be shared with other people.

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Because the internet is a public place there can be risks when using it. These risks mean that you or someone else may be worried, upset, or hurt because of something that happened online.

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You and other people have the right to feel safe online. The same conversation rules apply if you are talking to someone online or in person.

Talking rudely online can upset others or get you in trouble.

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When you are using the internet it is important that you do things that can help you stay safe. Here are some ways to stay safe online:

When you are online you can meet other people. You may want to meet in person with someone that you have met online. If you go to meet in person with someone you have met online it is important that you do things that can help you stay safe.

If you do go and meet this person, here are some ways to stay safe:

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The eSafety Commissioner looks at problems about online safety, offensive content, and anything illegal online.

If you want to report a problem you can call the eSafety Commissioner on 1800 880 176 or go on their website

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Page last updated: November 11, 2024