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Welcome to the online version of the Sexuality, Relationships and Your Rights. This website will tell you about: Your rights as a human being. What

Being Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual

About You Being Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual You may feel sexually attracted to someone who is the same gender as you. That is OK.

Sex and Sexuality

About You Sex and Sexuality Sex Characteristics Sex characteristics are made up of things in your body: Your genitals which are your private parts between

Using the Internet

Internet Safety Using the Internet The internet helps connect devices including computers and phones. The internet helps devices share information. This means that you

What is a Healthy Relationship

Healthy Relationships In a healthy relationship both people give their consent to be in the relationship. This means they both agree they want to

Your Rights

These are your sexuality rights. Some people will support your rights and some people will not support your rights. Everyone has the same rights. You

How To Use This Website

This website is for everyone to learn about their rights and the law. Rights are rules about how everybody should be treated fairly. Laws are